Mares for sale:
On this site you can see some of the mares I have for sale. Please clik on the pitcures if you would like to get a bigger. We can send you a video of many of this mares by Email, if you would like.
Please contact our at MAO@CENTRUM:IS
If you are looking for geldings or stallions, please go to Geldings and stallions
On the top of the page you will see the new mares on my sale list.
We have many different mares for sale. Some of them are from our own breeding lines, and others are from other horse breeders. We are in contact with more than 30 breeders and trainers and we hope you will find your dream mare in this big group of mares for sale. If we do not have the mare you are looking for on the following list, please ask me to find it. I am sure I can do it. In the next few days I will put a lot more of horses on my sales list, please check here again. Thank you.
If you are looking for group of horses for resale, feel free to ask me to find a group of horses, which are good for you. I can make you a special offer if you are going to buy 5 horses or more. We will also help you export your horse to another country.
If you would like to visit Iceland please look to us for assistance,
we can help arrange your horse buying itinerary. We also have other non equine related activities in our area. Salmon and trout fishing for example....
For more informations please email to:
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IS1998256329 Elja from Thingeyrum
F: Gladur f.Holabaki M. Elisa f. Reynisstad Conformations 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 7,0 8,0 7,5 7,5 = 8,05 Riding ability 8,5 8,5 5,0 8,5 8,5 9,0 7,5 = 8,03 Total score 8,04
Elja is a first prize mare, 4 gaited. She will be good for competitions as well as breeding mare. She is really nice looking and friendly.
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IS1995256282 Ogn from Sveinsstodum
F.: IS1987156901 Thokki from Kalfshamri Ff.: IS1970165740 Nattfari 776 from Ytra-Dalsgerdi Fm.: IS1978256003 Pamella from Bakka M.: IS1990255415 Speki from Grafarkoti Mf.: IS1985165007 Sokron from Holi v/Dalvik Mm.: IS1983260002 Spa from Akureyri
Ogn is a beautiful black mare, with excellent five gaits, especially the pace. Not suitable for the beginner rider. She is a black, 9 year old, very willing and can be in 5 gait or pace competitions. Ogn is now pregnant with Thristur from Fet, a very good first prize stallion. He is pinto and I am hoping for a pinto offspring.
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IS1996256278 Gna from Sveinsstadir.
F: Isar from Torfastodum M: Prinsessa from Sveinsstodum
Gna from Sveinsstodum is a black mare born in 1995. She is four gaited and is a nice family horse. She has got lot of experience but maybe not for a beginner rider. Her tolt is good. I like to ride this mare and I am sure you will also enjoy it.
IS1994255024 Vordis from Storu-Asgeirsa
F.: IS1987186104 Pafi from Kirkjubae Ff.: IS1982187035 Angi 1035 from Laugarvatni M.: IS1984257002 Lipurta from Midsitju Mf.: IS1976157003 Hervar 963 from Saudarkroki
Vordis is a first prize mare. She is chestnut with a star. The mane is lighter in color. This is a really nice riding mare, good in competitions in 5 gait classes. She can be a really good breeding mare, for she has a exceptional pedigree.
She was evaluated 2000 Meassure: 139 - 137 - 61 - 140 - 27,0 - 18,5 Conformations: 8,0 - 7,5 - 7,5 - 8,0 - 9,0 - 8,0 - 9,0 - 8,0 = 8,14 Riding ability: 8,0 - 8,0 - 9,0 - 8,0 - 8,5 - 7,5 - 8,5 = 8,18 Slow tolt: 7,5 Total score: 8,17
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IS1996256281 Frigg from Sveinsstodum
F.: IS1993156278 Nn f. Sveinsstodum Ff.: IS1985157020 Safir f. Vidvik Fm.: IS1978256004 Prinsessa f. Sveinsstodum M.: IS1986256279 Gjof f. Sveinsstodum Mf.: IS1978187105 Hodur 954 f. Hvoli Mm.: IS1969235589 Nybjorg 4063 f. Hesti
Frigg is not for beginner rider. She can be pace but if she has a good rider her tolt can be really good. She is always ready to go and in good day she is really fun for riding.
Daughters of Skorri from Blonduosi
I have got two untrained, 4 year old daughters of Skorri from Blönduósi for sale. They are black and blue dun in color and will be quite handsome. They show tölt in the pasture and are friendly. I have many other horses for sale. I have Video clips of some of them and if you are looking for something special, feel free to ask. I look forward to help you to find your dream horse in Iceland.
IS1998255427 Katla from Bergsstodum
F.: IS1990184419 Vikingur from Vodmulastodum M.: IS1985265103 Kibba from Litla-Dal Mf.: IS1967186102 thattur 722 fra Kirkjubae
IS1998255427 Katla from Bergsstodum is a red untrained filly with blaze. She is born 1998 and ready to start training. She is friendly and looks to be easy.
IS1998255423 Grein from Bergsstodum
F.: IS1991155195 Skinfaxi from Thoreyjarnupi Ff.: IS1987187700 Oddur fra Selfossi M.: IS1983200004 Glod from Reykjavik Mf.: IS1976157005 Thokki 1048 from Gardi
Grein is palomino and nice looking filly. She was born 1998. She is ready for training and her breeding line is good.
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IS1999255420 Nof from Bergsstodum
F.: IS1995155702 Randver from Thoroddsstodum Ff.: IS1984151101 Stigandi from Saudarkroki Fm.: IS1984286006 Rut from Kirkjubae M.: IS1987265499 Nett from Akureyri Mf.: IS1984158471 Thokki from Asgeirsbrekku
Nof is black filly with two stars. She is very big and nice looking. She was born 1999 and will be ready for training next winter.
IS1999255423 Gata from Bergsstodum
F.: IS1995155702 Randver from Thoroddsstodum Ff.: IS1984151101 Stigandi from Saudarkroki Fm.: IS1984286006 Rut from Kirkjubae M.: IS1983200004 Glod from Reykjavik Mf.: IS1976157005 Thokki 1048 from Gardi
Gata is red with blaze. She has good movements and is really nice looking.
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Some offspring from Thoroddur from Thoroddsstodum
We have some very promising offspring of the great prospect Thoroddur from Thoroddsstodum, IS1999188801, for sale. Thoroddur was awarded first prize at a district breeding show at Hella in the spring of 2003, only 4 years old. His average mark was 8.16. His conformation marks were 8,24, his abilities are very good and his BLUP is 120. Thoroddur has true blue blood, his mother is the well known mare Hlokk from Laugarvatni IS1984287011 and his father is the famous stallion Oddur from Selfossi IS1987187700. Both Hlokk and Oddur have gottten 1. prize for offspring. The first offspring from Thoroddur are now 1 year old and I have some of them for sale at a reasonable price. Thoroddur is likely to be one of the stars of LM2004 in Hella. Look at the pictures and order one today.
For more informations please email to:
For more informations please email to:
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IS1996255029 Gledi from Storu - Asgeirsa
F: IS1983151001 Gladur from Saudarkroki M: IS1988255021 Eldvor from Storu-Asgeirsa
Gledi from Storu Asgeirsa is a beautiful chestnut mare born 1996. This mare really stands out in a group of other horses. She was evaluated last spring and again in August. She got 8.5 for tolt, trot and pace and total score for riding 8,40. She is already pregnant, sSo if you buy this mare you will get two horses. measurement: 140 - 137 - 66 - 147 - 28,5 - 19,0 Hofamal: Vfr: 8,8 - Va: 7,8 Conformation: 7,5 - 8,5 - 7,0 - 8,0 - 8,0 - 7,5 - 8,0 - 7,5 = 7,96 riding ability: 8,5 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 7,5 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 7,5 = 8,40 Total score: 8,22 Slow tolt: 8,0 slow gallop: 7,5
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